Blue heart spiral doorway

Blue heart spiral doorway

floor mandala installation at Brittany Davis gallery

ocean labyrinth meditation mat

ocean labyrinth meditation mat

integrative healer Dayna wicks meditates with the turquoise heart spiral floor painting

integrative healer Dayna wicks meditates with the turquoise heart spiral floor painting

shri yantra floor piece—painted at Allen Thibault’s Riverside home

shri yantra floor piece—painted at Allen Thibault’s Riverside home

metatron’s cube

originally painted as a 6-foot square wall hanging, later cut into a circle and used as a floor piece…

originally painted as a 6-foot square wall hanging, later cut into a circle and used as a floor piece…

12-pointed star altar floor piece—painted for Stargate participants, later used for various Css events

12-pointed star altar floor piece—painted for Stargate participants, later used for various Css events

mandala for greening ourselves from within—painted in the octagon at Saiwalo

mandala for greening ourselves from within—painted in the octagon at Saiwalo

Altar-piece created for the first meeting of the 13 Indigenous grandmothers meet in New York, NY—each grandmother sat behind one of the moons, with her sacred instruments in front of her…

Altar-piece created for the first meeting of the 13 Indigenous grandmothers meet in New York, NY—each grandmother sat behind one of the moons, with her sacred instruments in front of her…

drumming in…

flower of life floor mandala, in active use during a workshop at Port Townsend school of the arts

flower of life floor mandala, in active use during a workshop at Port Townsend school of the arts

These floor mandalas were all painted by Margaret Lindsey on unprimed canvas, and intended for uses such as meditation, workshops, healing circles, and centering. Margaret uses these pieces as potent consciousness tools, sharing them with groups and individuals. most are about 5 feet across. floor mandalas can be commissioned in various sizes, and also painted on floors.